Things supports other Markdown features that have no keyboard shortcut. There's no way to automatically show edited text as strikethrough, though, so you'll need to first strikethrough old text then add your new message if you want to retain the original message when editing things. Toggle tag on/off for selected item, Ctrl + shortcut. The S button will strikethrough your text. Or, if your Slack account shows an Aa button on the right of the text input box, click that to show the formatting toolbar to give you quick access to Slack's text formatting options.

Simply go to the cell (s) where you want the strikethrough format to be. Click the Keyboard Shortcuts: Customize button. By far, the simplest method to strikethrough in Excel is the Ctrl+5 shortcut.

Select your text, press that keyboard shortcut, and Slack will strikethrough that text. Click the Office button and then click Word Options.
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Slack uses Markdown-style characters to format messages, along with keyboard shortcuts and a new rich text editor. What is the keyboard shortcut for strikethrough in outlook.